学术报告: Several Challenging Problems in in Wireless Networks Research

主办单位:河北工业大学理学院  河北工业大学数学研究院
报告题目: Several Challenging Problems in in Wireless Networks Research

摘要: In this presentation, the speaker will introduce three recent research results in wireless networks. One is in bandwidth adaptation of wireless networks by using network reversible process property. This research verifies the product-form solution of whole wireless network and further reveals the importance of single-node research in wireless networks. Another research is in call admission control based billing strategies by using the method of Markov decision process. This research verifies the optimal admission threshold policy for new generated data and then provides a novel method in resolving dynamic optimal problems in wireless networks. The third research is on security aspects of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The speaker will present his recent research works in the protection for securing WSNs against virus attacks through the model development. The research discovers the WSN availability when no anti-virus mechanism is proposed, and then proposes the WSN model with anti-virus mechanism, together with new development of time-based network protection scheme and power-based network protection scheme, respectively. This research derives the explicit solutions of WSN availability for these two adaptive network protection schemes for securing WSNs against virus attacks. As a potential collaboration with scholars who are interested in these areas, the speaker will discuss a few challenging problems in the areas which may need to be paid attention in the near future. Finally, the speaker will present on how the current research be linked to the short range wireless communications for connected vehicle to vehicle (V2V) networks.  

报告人简介:李伟,博士,我校校友,美国休斯顿德克萨斯州南部大学(TSU)计算机科学系教授,NSF复杂网络研究中心的主任,该中心是NSF 2017-2018年27个科学技术卓越研究中心之一。研究方向为:无线传感器网络和移动自组织网络;无线网络和移动网络动态模型的适配、设计和实现;无线多媒体网络中的无线电资源分配;移动与高性能计算等。李教授出版专著5部,在Advances in Applied Probability、Journal of Applied Probability等期刊和国际会议上发表专业论文200余篇,科研经费达600万美金。